Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sebelum Terlena

Sebelum mata terlena
Di buaian malam gelita
Tafakurku di pembaringan
Mengenangkan nasib diri

Yang kerdil lemah dan bersalut dosa
Mampukah ku mengharungi titian sirat nanti
Membawa dosa yang menggunung tinggi
Terkapai ku mencari limpahan hidayahMu

Agar terlerai kesangsian hati ini
Sekadar air mata tak mampu
Membasuhi dosa ini

Sebelum mata terlena
Dengarlah rintihan hati ini
Tuhan beratnya dosaku
Tak daya kupikul sendiri

Hanyalah rahmat dan kasih sayangmu
Yang dapat meringankan hulurkan maghfirahmu
Andainya esok bukan milikku lagi
Dan mata pun ku tak pasti akan terbuka lagi

Sebelum berangkat pergi ke daerah sana
Lepaskan beban ini
Yang mencengkam jiwa dan ragaku

Selimuti diriku
Dengan sutra kasih sayangmu
Agar lena nanti kumimpikan
Syurga yang indah abadi

Pabila ku terjaga
Dapat lagi kurasai
Betapa harumnya
Wangian syurga firdausi.. Oh Ilahi

Di sepertiga malam
Sujudku menghambakan diri
Akan kuteruskan pengabdianku padamu

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

jUsT LeT u kNow

The Reasons I Love You
I love you because you make me happy
I love you because you make me feel safe and secure
I love your smile
I love the way you say my name
I love the look in your eyes when you tell me you love me
And how you laugh at me when I do something stupid, when others would put
me down.
I love the fact that when I'm around you I can be myself and not worry
about what you may think of me, because I know you love me for who I am.
No matter what my faults may be.
I love being able to wake up with you by my side... It makes my days
At night I love watching you sleep, hearing you take each breath, and
feeling your heart beat with the palm of my hand... reality hits that you
are not a dream YOU ARE MINE.
I love the way you wrap your arms around me and hold me really tight, like
there is no tomorrow
And I love the way I feel when your lips barely touch mine for a kiss, the
love and emotions that go through me at that moment are unexplainable.
I love your laugh
I love hearing your voice
I love that you get along with my family and friend, no matter how much
you dislike them, or who they are.
And hearing you tell me your stories, you could tell them to me a thousand
times, and I will never get tired of them, because they are a part of you.

But the main reason I love you is because.....

You are you!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

without a word

without a word i felt ur love
without a word u gave me love
i keep it all here
even ur breathe holding onto ur deep inside here
but u're just leaving me,
without a word my love throws me away
what will i have 2 say
the words on my lips were surprise themselves
all came without a single words
without a word im waiting for love
without a word im hurt because of love
my soul has left, im became a fo0l
i just lo0k the sky and crying
without a word seperation come 2 me
i couldn't even prepare i had let u go
my heart feels like its having a stinging pain
it all come without a single words
without a word u come
without a word u left
just like a fever
maybe its only hurt for a while
but the scars will be left forever,,,,,

~without a word~